I started walking to work. I walk through Fountain, pass Highland and La Brea go up Fuller all the way to Sunset where I find Sierra Bonita. The sidewalks of LA are always empty, no one thinks of walking anywhere. It's one of those LA rules, walking is for suckers. I disagree. It takes me 40 minutes to get to work, and I know that is too much time for most people but it's worth it. It's great exercise to begin with and I need it because I sit all day in my job.
Only skaters and hobos make me company in the morning LA sidewalks, the middle class is in its cars, but if my fellow street walkers don't pick pocket me I think I am in good company. Skaters don't warn you when they need you to step away and drunk hobos tend to scream but nobody bothers me or wants my attention, I'm not looking at suits or pretty girls, it's like I'm in a dorm city around Lisbon or in a street of Prague in Winter. The people inside the cars are isolated and don't pay attention to me, I can talk alone - I make 5 UN general assembly addresses every morning - pay attention to the buildings and the architecture, to the restaurants opening at this time, I can check my emails...
The car is your fortress but it not only keeps the exterior world from coming into your life it also keeps you from the exterior world. This, a car ticket and an accident that will both cost me a fortune, led me to the conclusion that LA is better on foot.
Very good!