Ethan and I came back to Jerusalem answering every question with "I'm Doctor Love." My screen name on Facebook (AIM)- I had just joined- was, and still is, doctorlove. But Ethan was already under the spell of the good doctor because he had met a girl earlier on his trip when he arrived in Israel. Her name was Monica, she was from New York, but he referred to her simply has the Shepherdess. I guess, just like me, Ethan was looking for someone to guide his flock. They would spend hours on skype because she had come back to the States. She traveled later that summer to meet him in London, and two years ago I held the chupah at their wedding.
Last year Monica gave birth to their first daughter Avivah, the cutest baby in five States (reminded me of little Matilde).
The three of them came down to LA this weekend to visit Ethan's father and stopped by to say hi to yours truly and we went out for coffee. Ethan preferred the Grove over Canter's to show the later to Monica - so West Coast to think you can impress a New Yorker with a mall.
The Farmer's Market was empty and sort of depressing. There should be more night animation around that part of town. I still find Farmer's Market overrated, but we eventually sat down around that place and talked for a while. When they brought me back home I noticed a lot of animation around my area... I guess they heard "Doctor Love" is in town.
Good to have back these sweet memories of an unforgettable trip.